Thursday, February 12, 2009

Echoplex + Project Timeline

I thought I wrote and posted a blog last night, I guess it got lost, oops! I finished Echoplex. I thought it came out well so far:

Thanks for everyone's input and feedback. If you have any questions or comments and want to reach me via email, you can now email me at

Oh, and I have a few boxes of blu-ray stuff coming in the next couple days. Exciting! I'm not done with the footage or the menus quite yet, but everything's coming together.

I made this timeline on the forum, hopefully it'll be useful here:

Currently in: Phase 1: First Round Edits- Week 4 of 4

Project outline:

Phase 1: First Round Edit (Almost done!)

Phase 2: Second Round Edit, sound and picture refining (1-2 weeks)
Phase 3: DVD movie project finalizing, Menu artwork creation (3-5 days)
Phase 4: Purchase materials, DVD/DVD box Cover art design and creation (1-3 days)
Phase 5: Post paypal/order information, start putting individual orders together (1 week)
Phase 6: Mail everything out! (until people stop requesting, or I can no longer afford materials)

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